
Signer is an app created by our team that allows you to store your private key and sign transactions on a separate device. Since the key is stored outside the wallet, it will be much harder to fall victim to fraud, theft, or make an erroneous transfer. This provides an additional level of security, especially for users with large cryptocurrency balances.

How does Signer work?

Signer can be compared to a cold wallet, such as a Ledger. The app works on a similar principle: it generates a pair of private and public cryptographic keys. When linking Signer to Tonkeeper, you only transfer the public key (your wallet address), which is used for receiving and verifying transactions. The private key, however, is used for signing transactions and accessing the wallet, so it remains stored on the device and is never transmitted, as Signer works offline, minimizing the risk of key theft or compromise. Thus, withdrawing cryptocurrency from the wallet will be impossible without confirmation through Signer.

How can Signer be used?

You can use Signer in two ways:

  1. Convenience Mode – pair Signer with your Tonkeeper wallet on the same device for easy transaction approval.
  2. Maximum Security Mode – use Signer on an offline device to sign transactions with an extra layer of protection against online threats.

How to install and use Signer?

You can find the full installation and usage guide for Signer here :)

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